Functional testing allows us to take a deeper dive into underlying drivers of your health concerns.

  • Gut microbiome mapping involves taking a stool sample to assess your gut microbiome. It can be helpful for those experiencing ongoing gut symptoms, skin complaints and hormonal imbalances.

    The panel includes a comprehensive understanding of:

    -Normal bacteria

    -Opportunistic/dysbiotic bacteria

    -Bacterial and viral pathogens

    -Potential autoimmune triggering bacteria

    -Helicobacter pylori with virulence factors




    -Leaky gut

    -Inflammation in the bowel

    -Immune response (in the gut) to gluten


  • Disruptions in the vaginal microbiome (bacterial environment within the vagina) can lead to various infections and diseases, such as bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections. A vaginal microbiome test covers:

    -Vaginal pH

    -Opportunistic bacterial overgrowths

    -Levels of beneficial bacteria


    -Viral pathogens

    -Opportunistic fungal pathogens

  • HTMA is a safe and non-invasive test measures the levels of heavy metals found in hair, 35 essential minerals plus over 25 important mineral ratios. The hair analysis provides a personalised interpretive report with an assessment of your current mineral status and highlights any areas of concern.

    This test is helpful in cases of infertility, unexplained fatigue, thyroid problems, toxicity symptoms and more.

  • A MTHFR gene test is used to look for the two most common MTHFR changes called C677T and A1298C. MTHFR testing can provide valuable information about an individual's risk of health conditions associated with folate deficiency and elevated homocysteine levels.

  • A simple blood test when interpreted correctly can give great insight into your overall health. As naturopaths we are looking for optimal results rather than just ticking off if you are in the general reference range. Some common blood tests ordered include:

    -Full blood count

    -Liver function tests

    -B12, Iron, Vitamin D, Zinc, Copper

    -Thyroid panel

    -Hormones (Oestrogen, progesterone, testosterone etc)

    -And many more